Questions and answers

What are the ingredients of facial care products which is better to avoid?

It should be analzsed individually, however for the long-term health purposes we do not recommend using conventional cosmetic ingredients that are chemically synthesized from petroleum products, such as plastics – nylons, acrylics, silicones, mineral oils, etc.

What cream can be used for the skin in the eye zone?

Any LABRAINS cream or serum can be used for eye zone, but Resistage-line products would be safest as they do not contain anti-inflammatory substances.

What cream would you recommend to use in cold weather?

Night Restoration Architect night cream to restore facial skin protection + LABRAINS BB cream.

What is the name of the application, where one can check the ingredients of the creams?

Beat the microbead

Do you have any products to reduce pores?

Peeling mask and then in combination with the cream that suits you best.

Is age important when choosing natural cosmetics?

Yes, definitely. Younger skin needs a cleaner and less effective product.

Are products for rosacea and acne-affected skin equally effective for both young people and mature skin?

Efficiency will always be individual, although the young people skin show greater effectiveness, therefore it must be approached with greater care. Young people skin should be taught to recover with minimal external influence.

Should the skin need to accustomed to natural cosmetics? To get used to that and to have visual affect.

Not everything can one get used to. It is necessary to find your own natural product. Of course, if the skin and body are contaminated with chemistry, it is quite difficult to observe changes.